
One issue of this years Festival is the contest of films. The best films will be awarded with the Golden Bobby by an elected pre-jury and the main jury in the following categories:





Best Directing

Best Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Film Editing

Best Production

Best Documentary Film

Best International Film

Audience Award






The prices are contributions in kind by sponsors of the film branch of Austria.











Main Jury


The main jury has committed to watch all films in contest during one preview of the festival. The members of the jury are not professors or assistant professors at the University for Music and the Performing Arts Vienna.

The members of the main jury are:











Award Show

May 10, 2003
8 p.m.
Künstlerhaus Kino


The films will be awarded in different categories with the Golden Bobby. The main jury will come to the decision of who will win. The Award Show will take place in conviviality, admission free.